Use Ctrl+F to search for topics and keywords related to the courses. Note that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every topic covered in every course. It does cover primary topics and a representative set of keywords. Students have asked for a way to find "All MVC courses" or "all Azure-related courses". This article will help with that.

Course Includes Keywords
C# Mastercourse
  • Multiple projects
  • Multiple app builds
  • Source code
Plus 3 Bonus Courses*:
   - Year of Coding
   - Legacy Lessons 
   - .NET Versions
.NET, Abstract, API, Application, Arrays, ASP, ASP.NET Core, Best Practices, Blazor Server, Blazor WebAssembly, Breakpoints, C#, Career, Classes, Console App, Core, CosmosDB, Debugging / Testing, Design Principles, Dictionary, Do/While, Entity Framework, Events, Exceptions, For Loop, Foreach Loop, Frameworks, Generics, gRPC (Legacy), Inheritance, Interfaces, Lambdas, Libraries, Linq, Lists, Methods, Modifiers, MongoDB, MVC, MySQL, Namespaces, NoSQL, Overloading, Overriding, Planning, Razor Pages, Silverlight (Legacy), SQL Server, SQLite, Text Files, Tuples, Unit Tests, WCF (Legacy), WebForms (Legacy), WinForms, WOULD Framework, WPF (.NET6 and previous, VS2022 and previous)
Web Development Mastercourse
  • Multiple projects
  • Multiple full-site builds
  • Source code

Plus Bonus Courses and Materials

Accessibility, Anchors, Angular (Overview), Aria Attributes, Async/Await, Automated Checkups, Azure (Overview), Azure Web App, Babel, Best Practices, Bootstrap (Overview), Browsers, C# (Overview), API, Fetch, Cascading CSS, CDNs, ChartJS, Classes, Comments, CSS Grid, CSS Variables, Debugging / Testing, Deployment, DNS, Docker (Overview), ESLint, Flexbox, Forms, Git (Overview), Grouping, Gulp/Grunt/Webpack, Heading Tags, HTML, iFrame, IIFE, IIS, Images, Internal Styling, Interserver, Jasmine/Jest, JavaScript, jQuery, LESS, Lists, Luxon, Media Queries, Meta Tags, Navigation, Node (Overview), NPM/Yarn, Objects, Prettier, Print style sheets, Promises, Pseudo-elements, React (Overview), Robot crawlers, Roles, Scope, SCSS / SASS, Semantic HTML, SEO, SSL, Storage, Tab Order, Tables, TailwindCSS (Overview), Targeting, The DOM, Toastr, TypeScript (Overview), Use Strict, Video, VSCode, Vue (Overview)
Azure Active Directory B2C From Start to Finish
  • Multiple projects
  • Source code
AAD B2C, Active Directory, AppSettings, Auth0, Authentication, Authorization, Azure Web App, Blazor, B2C Costs, Deployment, Local Identity, Managing Users, MAUs, Okta, Social Logins, Debugging / Testing, App.razor, Updating Auth Pages
Build a Suggestion Site App
  • Full app build
AAD, App Registration, Appsettings, Archiving, Authentication, Authorization, B2C, Blazor Server, Branding, Caching, CSS, Data Access, Data Design, Data Model, Database Connection Class, Dependency Injection, Generating Data, HTML, Logic Design, Media Queries, NuGet Packages, Razor Pages, Secrets, Debugging / Testing, UI Design, WOULD Planning
Azure From Start to Finish
  • Full WebApp
  • Sample Projects
Assigning Permissions, Azure, Azure Function, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Pricing/Costs, Azure Service Bus, Azure Storage, Budgeting, CosmosDB, Dashboards, Inviting Users, Key Vault, Logging In As A User, Portal, Redis, Resource Groups, SignalR Service, SQL Database, Virtual Machines, Web App
Blazor From Start to Finish
  • Full WebApp
  • Sample Projects
_Imports.razor, App.razor, Appsettings.json, Authentication, Authorization, Azure Static Web App, Azure Web App, Bootstrap, Calling an API, Calling JavaScript, Client-Side, Code Behind, Components, CRUD, CSS Isolation, Data Access, Database, Debugging, Dependency Injection, EditForm, Head Components, Hot Reload, HTML Forms, Hybrid, InputCheckbox, InputDate, InputFile, InputNumber, InputRadioGroup, InputSelect, InputTextArea, Interactivity Location, Interactivity Type, launchSettings.json, Local IIS, MainLayout.razor, Managing State, NavMenu.razor, Packaging for NuGet, Parameters, Program.cs, PWA, QuickGrid, Razor Syntax, RCL, Routes.razor, Routing, Server Side Rendered, Server-Side, SQL, SSR Only, Startup Methods, Static Assets, Stream Rendering, Template, Top Level Statements, Validation, Virtualization, Visual Studio, WebAssembly, wwwroot
ASP.NET Core From Start to Finish
  • Multiple projects
  • Source code
API, ASP.NET Core, Blazor Server, Blazor WebAssembly, Class Library, CRUD, Database, Dependency Injection, Deployment, DLL, Enabling CORS, MVC, NuGet Packages, Razor Pages, SQL, Stored Procedures, Tables, WebHost
.NET Core Dependency Injection From Start to Finish
  • Multiple projects
  • Source code
ASP.NET Core, Azure Function, Blazor WebAssembly, Console App, Constructors, Dependency Injection, Service Registration Methods, Singleton, Transient, TryAdd, WinForms (.NET Core), Worker Service, WPF (.NET Core)
.NET Core AppSettings From Start to Finish
  • Sample Files
Azure Key Vault, Hierarchy, INI Files, JSON Files, Memory Configuration, User Secrets, XML Files
Exploring Blazor WebAssembly
  • Multiple projects
  • Source code
Azure, Blazor Components, Blazor WebAssembly, CSS, Debugging / Testing, Deployment, GitHub, HTML page load sequence, JavaScript, Interop, Localization, Progressive Web Apps, Toastr, PWA
Upgrading to .NET Core From Start to Finish From
  • Source code
Converting a Class Library, Class Library Bug Fixes, Converting a WinForms Project, WinForms Bug Fixes, Converting a WPF Project, WPF Bug Fixes, Converting an ASP.NET MVC, Bug Fixes, Dependency Injection, Logging, Appsettings, Dependency Injection, App.Config, Single EXE, Publishing, Azure Web Apps, Docker
Build a TimCo Retail Manager App Series
  • Full app build
  • App enhancement
  • Source code
Phase 1: .NET Core, API, Authentication, Automapper, Cart, Class Library, Database, Debugging / Testing, Dependency Injection, Error Handling, Events, GitHub, INotifyPropertyChanged, MVVM, Refactoring, Roles, SQL Databases, Swagger, Upgrading, WebAPI, WPF

Phase 2: Azure, .NET Core, API, Azure API, Azure DevOps, Bug Backlog, CI/CD, Code Review, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration, GitHub, Planning, SQL Databases, WPF, SQL

Phase 3: .Net 5, API, Authentication, Authorization, Blazor, IIS, Images In SQL, Planning, Tokens, Upgrading, WASM
Build a Tournament Tracker App
  • Full app build
  • Source code
ASP.NET, Data Design, Database Design, Debugging / Testing, Email, Error Handling, MVC, Planning, Prize Form Wire Up, Refactoring, SQL, Text Files, Texting Users, User Interface Design, WinForms, WPF
Docker From Start to Finish
  • Project app
  • Source code
Docker, .NET, ASP.NET, Debugging / Testing, Dockerfile
Getting Started with .NET Core
  • Full app build
  • Source code
APIAppSettings, Authentication, Console App, HTML, HTTPS, MVC, Razor Pages, Text Files, Two-Factor Authentication, Web, WinForms
DevOps From Start to Finish
  • Project app
  • Source code
Azure DevOps, CI/CD, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration, Debugging / Testing
Build a Bill Time App
  • Full app build
  • Source code
Database, SQLite, WPF, 2017 .NET Framework
SQL Databases From Start to Finish (Bundle) (Includes Database DevOps from Start to Finish free!)
  • Project app
  • Source code
Backups, CRUD, Database, Queries, SQL, SSMS, Stored Procedures, Tables Design
Database DevOps From Start to Finish
  • Project app
  • Source code
Database, Deployment, Refactoring, Source Control, SQL, Stored Procedure, Tables, Views
Prove It: C# Bundle (4 pack bundle, includes all four Prove It! challenges below) Multiple Challenges  .NET, API, ASP.NET Core, Authentication, Authorization, Azure, Azure DevOps, C#, Caching, CI/CD, Console, Continuous Integration, Data Access, DateTime, Debugging / Testing, Deployment, DevOps, Docker, Error Handling, Extension Methods, foreach, Forms, Generics, Interfaces, Linq, Methods, MVC, Parameters, Planning, Publishing, Razor Pages, Refactoring, Source Control, Test-driven, Text Files, Uploading, Web, WinForms, WPF 
Prove It: C# Basics Multiple Challenges C#, Console, DateTime, Debugging / Testing, Error Handling, Extension Methods, foreach, Generics, Parameters, Refactoring, Text Files, WinForms, WPF 
Prove It: C# Web Development Multiple Challenges .NET, API, ASP.NET Core, Azure, Azure DevOps, C#, Deployment, Docker, DevOps, Forms, MVC, Publishing, Razor Pages, Uploading, Web 
Prove It: C# Algorithms & Data Structures Multiple Challenges C#, Caching, Linq 
Prove It: Building a Full App Multiple Challenges ASP.NET Core, Authentication, Authorization, Azure, C#, CI/CD, Console, Continuous Integration, Data Access, Debugging / Testing, Deployment, Interfaces, Methods, Planning, Razor Pages, Source Control, Test-driven
Web API from Start to Finish
  • Project app
  • Source code
API, Authentication, Authorization, Best Practices, Blazor Client, Caching, Claims, Class Library, Controller, CSS, Data Access, Data Validation, Deprecating, Designing, Endpoints, Health Checks, HTTP Verbs, Logging, Minimal API, Monitoring, OpenAPI, Pagination, Postman, Rate-limiting, Real-Time Monitoring, REST, Secrets, Secure By Default, Security, Swagger, Debugging / Testing, Todos, Tokens, Versioning, XML
Git From Start to Finish
  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code
Amend, Azure DevOps, BitBucket, Branch, Centralized Version Control, Clone, Command line, Commit, Debug, Distributed Version Control, Fast Forward, Fetch, Fork, Fork the Repository, General Work Process, Git Clients, Git Overview, GitHub, GitHub Desktop, GitIgnore, GitKraken, GitLab, Handle Merge Conflicts, Head, Identify a Needed Change, Identify the Issue, Init, Initial Setup, Installing Git, Local, Merge and Merge Conflict, Merge the Branch Into Main, Move a Commit to a Branch, Pull, Pull Request, Push, Push the Branch, Rebase, Remote, Repository, Reviewing the Results, Source Control Theory, Stage, Stash, Sync, Tag, Undo, Unrecoverable Issues, Untrack a File, Update a Commit, Visual Studio, VSCode, Working With Open Source
Bootstrap 5 From Start to Finish
  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code 
Alerts, ASP.NET Core, Breadcrumbs, Buttons, CDN, Collapse, Colors, Containers, Controls, CSS Grid, Dark mode, Flexbox, Form, Form Layouts, Grid, Gutters, Image Styling, Margin, Modal, Navbar, Normalization, Npm, NuGet, Opacity, Padding, Pagination, Popovers, Position, Progress Bar, Responsive Columns, SCSS, Sidebars, Sizing, Spinners, Table Styling, Text, Text Styling, Theme, Validation, Visibility, VSCode
Accelerate: Azure Functions
  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code 
Azure Function Projects, Function Cleanup, Query String Parameters, Adding C# Logic, Hosting on Azure, Deploying the Function, Function Security, Post Body Data, Dependency Injection, Appsettings, Deployment Slots 
Accelerate: Microsoft SQL
  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code 
Azure SQL, Connection Strings, Databases, Delete, Execution Plans, Indexes, Insert, Join, LocalDB, Query Performance, Select, SQL in Docker, SQL Server Developer Edition, Stored Procedures, Tables, Tooling Options, Update, Views, Performance, T-SQL
Blazor From Start to Finish
  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code 
Errata: RenderMode Fix, Forms, Hot Reload, HTML Forms, Hybrid, InputCheckbox, InputDate, InputFile, InputNumber, InputRadioGroup, InputSelect, InputTextArea, Interactivity, launchSettings.json, Local IIS, MainLayout.razor, Managing State, NavMenu.razor, Packaging for NuGet, Parameters, Program.cs, PWA, QuickGrid, Razor, Razor Class Libraries, RCL, Routes.razor, Routing, Server Side Rendered, SQL Database, SSR, Startup Methods, Static Assets, Stream Rendering, Templates, Validation, Virtualization, Visual Studio, Web Application Basics, WebAssembly, wwwroot 
Accelerate: GitHub
  • Practice Challenges
Cloning a Repository, Contributing to Public Repositories, Create a Repository, GitHub Issues, GitHub Pages, Interface Overview, Maintaining a Readme, Protecting Your  Repository, Pull Requests, Releases, Sign Up for GitHub
Skill Check: C# Fundamentals
  • Practice Challenges
Code Review, Course Introduction, Data Validation, Dates and Date Conversion, Debugging, Dictionary, Do While Loop, For loop, Foreach Loop, If/Else Statement, Inline If/Else Statement, Math Library, Nested For Loop, Random Values, Raw String Literals, Setup and Raw String Literal, Setup and User Interaction, String Interpolation, Testing, Type Conversion, User Interaction, Variables, While Loops

Build A Postman Clone App

  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code
API Call Code, Blazor WebAssembly (WASM), Class Library, Code Wire-Up, Dropdown to Form, Form Design, Form Setup, Page Layout, Portfolio Setup, Put, Patch, and Delete, Status Bar, TabControl, Testing, URL Input, User Interface (UI), WinForms, WPF User Interface

Upgrading to .NET 9

(Coming soon!)

  • Practice Challenges
  • Source code
.NET Upgrade Assistant, API, Testing, Class Library, Console Apps, Deprecated Projects, From .NET 6, From .NET 7, From .NET 8, Improve Project Structure, In-place Upgrades, MVC, Review Breaking Changes, Side-by-side Incremental Upgrades, Side-by-side Upgrades, Upgrade .NET Framework, Upgrade Best Practices, Upgrade Over Time, Upgrade Regularly, Upgrade Reports, Upgrading a .NET Core 3.1 App, Upgrading a .NET Framework App, Use Source Control, Using the Upgrade Assistant, WinForms, WPF

More to come!

(*) - not included with DevPass subscription