Please note: You must replace the appropriate information in the <bold italicized> sections. For example, replace <Manager Name> with the name of the person you are asking to sponsor your training. Do that for each of the other <bold italicized> sections, then remove the special formatting.
Please remember to replace the course name and price if you intend to use this for a different course. Then, customize the other paragraphs to reflect the value of the course you select.
Your Letter:
Dear <Manager Name>,
As part of my technical development, I request assistance in building my IT skills. I have identified some specialized training that will directly support and enhance my ability to do my current job responsibilities.
The DevPass for Business from IAmTimCorey offers an extensive set of training that provides full access to:
- Mastercourses in Web and C#
- Training courses including Git, Azure, Blazor, ASP.NET Core, Docker, DevOps, OOP, APIs, and more
- Lab courses for building full applications, including source code
- Discussion Forum where students collaborate and help each other
The subscription to this course catalog will position me for practical skills growth to better serve the company's current and future needs. Benefits that this training will bring to the organization:
- Support for future technology changes and upgrades
- Improve application efficiencies as well as improve the application delivery process
- Provide solutions to real-world problems throughout the complete application life cycle
- The capability to reassign the subscription to another employee, if needed
Please visit the All-Courses page to see the full list of courses included with the DevPass subscription.
IAmTimCorey DevPass Summary:
The purchase of DevPass, at $750 per subscription, gives each person full access to all of Tim's catalog courses for one full year. This includes not only all available courses but also any new or updated courses as they become available. The Yearly DevPass includes over $3,000 in training available to each subscribed employee for an entire year and is renewable annually.
Please let me know if you require additional information to support this decision.
I appreciate your consideration.
<Your Name>
<Your Title>
<Your Contact Info>