We have found that some folks get confused about what subscribing to Tim's YouTube channel or to his Newsletter means. This article will explain the many ways to engage with Tim's content.
Be sure to check out the link at the end of this article that lists all the amazing content available for free and right now!
You clicked the Subscribe Bell on YouTube.
This will keep you up to date on all of Tim's YouTube postings so you can access his new videos as soon as they become available.
You signed up for Tim's newsletter subscription.
This puts you on Tim's newsletter distribution list. You will be among the first to hear of his sales, new courses, and all things Tim Corey via his newsletter emails. This is the best way to stay in the loop on what is going on.
You purchased a course or the 'DevPass' from IAmTimCorey.
Signing up for the newsletter does not automatically create an account on IAmTimCorey. The only way to create an account on the site is to purchase a course or a DevPass. Having an account only gives you access to those purchased or subscribed courses. You already have access to everything else!
You signed up for the Suggestion Site.
Signing up on the Suggestion site will allow you to suggest ideas for videos and courses. You can also up-vote other folk's ideas.
You joined Tim's Patreon site.
Supporting Tim via Patreon is greatly appreciated. Tim uses that funding to help make the free content he publishes on YouTube. Be aware that Tim no longer actively updates the Patreon content.
You are looking for Tim's free content.
The Resources page on our website is the best starting place for Tim's free content. Since you are already in our knowledge base, you can check out this article - Where Can I Find Free Training?