Please note: You must replace the appropriate information in the <bold italicized> sections. For example: replace <Manager Name> with the name of the person you are asking to sponsor your training. Do that for each of the other <bold italicized> sections, then remove the special formatting.

Please remember to replace the course name and price if you intend to use this for a different course. Then customize the other paragraphs to reflect the value of the course you select.

Your Letter:

Dear <Manager Name>,

As part of my technical development with this company, I request assistance building my IT skills. I have identified some technical training that will directly support and enhance my ability to do my current job responsibilities.

The course I have identified: C# Mastercourse  $497 US

Key features of the training:

  • Learn .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET 6
  • Master C# syntax and patterns from variables to configuring Entity Framework
  • Connect to SQL, SQLite, MongoDB, CosmosDB, and more
  • Write apps in Razor Pages, MVC, API, Blazor, WPF, Winforms, and more
  • Grasp topics like generics, extension methods, and events
  • Use inheritance, interfaces, abstract, modifiers, and overrides (OOP)
  • Discover advanced debugging techniques
  • Extensive set of downloadable and reusable code samples and apps

Benefits that completing this training can bring to the organization:

  • Faster problem resolutions due to a better understanding of application development
  • Improved communication with both clients and IT teams
  • Build efficient and supportable solutions for our team's business needs

Please let me know if you require additional information to support this decision.


I appreciate your consideration. 


<Your Name>

<Your Title>

<Your Contact Info>